The Master of Sacred Theology (known by its Latin initials as the S.T.M.) is an advanced degree for students with a previous undergraduate degree in theology or a related subject. It is a 45-credit program that can be done in one full year (including a summer term) or spread over two years. There is no thesis requirement, although students are expected to undertake two substantial independent projects.
The S.T.M. can be used by students preparing for ministry who have already studied theology and may wish to pursue certain subjects further. After completing the S.T.M., these students often enroll in the college’s Diploma in Ministry program to complete their ministerial preparation. This combination of awards—the S.T.M. and the Dip.Min.—is recognized by many dioceses as preparation for ordination.

The S.T.M. can also be used by clergy seeking the opportunity for further study and continuing education, and the opportunity to pursue individual projects further in the context of a university.
The degree is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools and offered in conjunction with the School of Religious Studies of McGill University. More information about the requirements for the program is available on McGill’s website.