New Heaven, New Earth: The Reformation and the Making of the Modern World

Virginia Theological Seminary

Discover how the Protestant Reformation reshaped faith and society in this engaging course with Dr. Colin Donnelly. Join online or on-site! Led by Dr. Colin Donnelly, Assistant Professor of Church History at Virginia Theological Seminary, this dynamic short course explores the profound influence of the Protestant Reformation in shaping modern society. With expertise in the …
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The Episcopal Church

Center for Anglican Learning & Leadership (CALL)

How can understanding the history of The Episcopal Church help you understand your own faith and your ministry more deeply? How does the history of an individual diocese or parish relate to the larger history of who is Episcopalian and what it means? In this course, students will develop a new understanding of The Episcopal …
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Spiritual Friendship

Center for Anglican Learning & Leadership (CALL)

In Spiritual Friendship, students will explore the theme of friendship in the Gospel of John, Celtic Christianity (anam cara), Anglo-Saxon spirituality, Cicero, St. Augustine, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Thomas Merton, and most of all, in the life, work, and teachings of the English Cistercian abbot St. Aelred of Rievaulx, author of the Christian medieval classic …
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Reformation History

Vancouver School Of Theology

This course will familiarize students with the work of major personalities and movements of the Protestant Reformation as these arise and flourish in the social and historical context of Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Europe. The course will begin with a brief exploration of the pre-Reformation medieval Church. It will then delve into the circumstances of …
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Spirituality of Christian Worship

Vancouver School Of Theology

This course explores the connections between spiritual disciplines, gathered worship, and lived discipleship. Students will survey biblical, historical, theological, and cultural foundations of Christian worship to help design prayers and devotional liturgies that contribute to spiritual formation and nurture the faith of Christians. There will be a special focus on how a robust spirituality of …
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Vancouver School Of Theology

To introduce students to the major themes of Pauline theologies represented by New Testament texts and, where appropriate, other New Testament and extra‑canonical literature.  To situate these theologies in the social matrix of antiquity and to identify the interaction of theology and culture implicit in these theologies.  To assess the relevance of these theologies for …
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North American Church History

Vancouver School Of Theology

This course will explore the history of Christianity in Canada and the United States in parallel. It will explore such key topics as secularization (or “dechristianization”), American fundamentalism, Church Union in Canada, and Truth and Reconciliation. In addition, the course will feature a few recurring “big ideas.” 1. Sometimes, Christianity develops the way it does …
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Introduction to World Christianity

Regent College

This course explores the contours and implications of Christianity as a global reality. It will examine some of the rich explosion of scholarship that is now pouring forth on the recent and remarkable world-wide expansion of Christianity, while also putting such growth in a historical and theological perspective. The course readings will draw from mission …
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Reading the Bible in China (7th – 20th Century)

Regent College

In a culture that embodies long literary traditions and possesses rich classical texts that have constituted a pluralistic religious world, how is the Christian Bible read and received in China? This course aims to examine the biblical writings and commentary works made by Chinese Christians and Western missionaries in the history of Christianity in China. …
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