Discerning God’s Power, Navigating Worldly Power in Leadership, Conflict, and Mission Amidst the revelations of abuse of power, political division, and church conflicts, we have a moment to carefully consider the question of power—the way God’s power in Christ is radically different than worldly power, and how we might discern and make space for God’s …
View course details “Renew Conference: Reckoning with Power”
From climate change to economic inequality, from human migration to major wars, from mental health to housing, the world seems to be shaped by crises—so much so that some commentators have started to use the word “polycrisis” to describe this moment in human history. At the same time, the church is undergoing profound change as …
View course details “Christianity in a Crisis-Shaped World”
Developed in partnership with the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Calvin University School of Graduate and Continuing Studies, this online course equips leaders of all types of ministries with practical tools for relating well to people from a variety of cultures. Understanding and respecting cultural differences is key to a healthy ministry. What …
View course details “Cultural Values in Ministry”
It has become rather commonplace to suppose that Anglican Christians care mostly about liturgy and not very much about theology. That’s not true! Anglican traditions exhibit a rich and diverse history of theological reflection. Anglicans have always insisted that that how Christians think and talk about God makes a critical difference in what Christians believe. …
View course details “What We Believe: Theology in the Anglican Tradition”
How can understanding the history of The Episcopal Church help you understand your own faith and your ministry more deeply? How does the history of an individual diocese or parish relate to the larger history of who is Episcopalian and what it means? In this course, students will develop a new understanding of The Episcopal …
View course details “The Episcopal Church”
AI and the Future of Christianity is a timely course that explores the profound implications of artificial intelligence on theology, ethics, and theological education. Led by a diverse team of religious scholars and a former NASA scientist, and moderated by Dr. Kwok Pui Lan, this course provides an overview of AI technologies and their intersection …
View course details “AI and the Future of Christianity”
Pope Francis once wrote, “the history of our friendship with God is always linked to particular places.” Our life and ministry are always somewhere and so are shaped by what place means and the possibilities it holds. This course will introduce students to an exciting new area of theological studies that brings together Scripture, ecotheology, …
View course details “Being Here: Exploring Christian Witness in Our Place”
Explore the intersection of artificial intelligence and Christian ministry in this innovative micro-credential. Students will delve into the practical, biblical, ethical, and theological implications of AI in ministry, while learning to integrate AI-driven solutions into ministry tasks. Emphasizing innovation balanced with ethical discernment and theological reflection, this course equips students to thoughtfully engage with emerging …
View course details “Using AI in Christian Ministry”
Who is the Other? In a society so culturally and religiously diverse as Canada, how do we, current and future leaders of church and society, build just relations with the Other without breaching the Other’s identity? This course explores these questions and their spiritual implications for our time and place. A particular focus of this …
View course details “Intercultural Theology and Spirituality”
This course is designed for students interested in the development of the missional theology conversation in North America, attending to both significant themes and the key theologians who shaped the discourse over the last several decades. The missional church movement involves a reimaging of ecclesiology in light of a robust missiology, rooted in divine agency …
View course details “Missional Theology in a Post-Christendom World”