From climate change to economic inequality, from human migration to major wars, from mental health to housing, the world seems to be shaped by crises—so much so that some commentators have started to use the word “polycrisis” to describe this moment in human history. At the same time, the church is undergoing profound change as …
View course details “Christianity in a Crisis-Shaped World”
Explore the intersection of artificial intelligence and Christian ministry in this innovative micro-credential. Students will delve into the practical, biblical, ethical, and theological implications of AI in ministry, while learning to integrate AI-driven solutions into ministry tasks. Emphasizing innovation balanced with ethical discernment and theological reflection, this course equips students to thoughtfully engage with emerging …
View course details “Using AI in Christian Ministry”
This course introduces participants to the spiritual, cultural, social and religious origins of human value systems, paying particular attention to Biblical and Indigenous origins. It uses stories and readings to consider the foundations of ethical thought and behavior. The goal is to reach greater understanding of how to deal with moral dilemmas and help others …
View course details “Christian Ethics”
At the heart of the academic field of ethics is a question about the good. There are many ways of approaching this question: philosophical, biblical, traditional, to name a few. While this course will touch on these three and others, it is designed around the role of “pastor.” Therefore, our guiding question will be, What …
View course details “Pastoral Ethics”
What features define human life? How do individuals and communities understand and withstand suffering and pain? What is good dying? In our time, these essential human questions are often viewed primarily as issues in bioethics. In reality, these are not exclusively medical or bioethical enquiries. Rather, they are questions that all human individuals and societies …
View course details “Healthcare & the Christian Life”
As contentious conversations about sex and gender show no signs of abating, effective witness to our neighbours requires thoughtful answers and wise actions. This course aims to help Christians think about and respond to some of the gendered aspects of theology, anthropology, and ecclesiology that arise in the New Testament. In particular, we’ll look at …
View course details “Gender in the New Testament”
This course will trace major historical shifts in cultural understandings of gender, sexuality, marriage, and the family from the time of the early church to the present day. Together, we will explore how Christian belief and practice have shaped these categories over time, and how Christians have engaged with culture over these issues at different …
View course details “Marriage, Sex, & Family in Historical Perspective”
In many parts of today’s world, Christians are deeply divided from their neighbours—and from one another—by political allegiances. The stakes seem so high, and biblical teaching about government so clear and urgent, that agreement on politics is often treated as a test of faith. In this course we will take a step or two back …
View course details “Christianity & Politics”
The Auditor Program is design for those interested in taking master’s level courses at the Seminary without enrolling in a degree program or receiving credit. This option is designed for alumni, clergy, and lay leaders seeking continuing education opportunities. Students who already have earned a bachelor’s degree may apply to be an Auditor, a status …
View course details “VTS List of Courses for Auditors at the Master’s Level”
Are you ready to embark on an inspiring and informative journey alongside Dietrich Bonhoeffer – one of the most courageous people in modern history? Gain a deeper understanding of his life and theology by exploring his resistance to Nazi Germany in historical context. Reflect on the relevance of his faith journey in today’s world, exploring …
View course details “The Rise of Bonhoeffer: Faith, Resistance and Theology in Action”