Christology & Discipleship in Mark’s Gospel

Regent College

In this course, we will embark on a journey through the Gospel of Mark, unraveling the narrative portrayal of Jesus (Christology) and the profound implications of following him (discipleship). Our primary focus will be on Mark’s interpretation and application of the Servant motif from the book of Isaiah. This pervasive motif serves as a powerful …
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The Holy Spirit & the Arts

Regent College

For centuries many have perceived a strong bond between the work of the Spirit and artistic creativity. Talk of inspiration, spirituality, and the life of the spirit abounds when the arts are in view. This course asks why this might be so. What is it about the arts that lends themselves so easily to “spirit-talk”, …
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Reading as a Spiritual Practice

Regent College

How we read may matter as much as what we read. What can we learn from the tradition about how to read the Bible spiritually? In this course, we will look in particular at Dorothy L. Sayers’s way of reading. Raised by an Anglican priest, Sayers was well-versed in the tradition’s way of reading Scripture. …
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Perspectives on Biblical Languages

Regent College

This course offers an overview of Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek, with an emphasis on why knowledge of the original languages has been vital throughout Christian history and why this knowledge plays a significant role today. Assuming no prior study of either language, you will learn some of the basic features of Greek …
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Biblical Hebrew or Greek classes

Princeton Theological Seminary

Summer language will meet daily, Monday through Friday, from June 24-August 16. Greek and Hebrew will be offered in both hybrid and online* formats that will include self-paced, independent work integrated with daily, live small group sessions that are punctuated by weekly enrichment gatherings with the whole class online. These courses are open to students …
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The Celtic Way: Discovering Christ in our Midst

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

“The rediscovery of the Celtic world has been an extraordinary revelation for many Christians in recent years, an opening up of the depths and riches within our own tradition….” – Esther DeWaal, The Celtic Way of Prayer, p. ix. This three-session seminar/workshop will introduce the fundamentals of Celtic Christian culture, history, theology, spirituality, and engagement. …
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Stepping Up to Supervision

Luther Seminary

Developed from working with hundreds of congregations and denominational bodies across the US and Canada, Susan Beaumont’s training series “Stepping Up to Supervision” is the comprehensive source to equip you in the everyday and long term needs of supervising others. Whether you are a seasoned clergy person, manage a church office, or work in other …
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