School for Lay Ministry Learning Community

October 12, 2024 - October 4, 2025
Cohorts for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025; courses are offered in Central Time online, with online lessons viewed beforehand.
Offered by Luther Seminary
Single Payment: $600USD Multiple Payments: $55USD/month for 12 months
St. PaulMN

Transform Your Ministry in Just One Year with Theologically-Sound Training & Leadership Development

Unleash Your Leadership Potential with the School for Lay Ministry Learning Community

From preaching and teaching to providing pastoral care or designing worship, faith leaders, like you, serve their congregations in various roles. Often, you do so without the theological background or seminary degrees your colleagues may have. With the School for Lay Ministry, you’ll embark on a transformative year-long journey empowering you to lead faithfully, recognizing the vital role you play in a lay-led, clergy-support ministry model.

Who Should Join the School for Lay Ministry?

Do any of these describe you:

  • You’ve recently been asked to or have taken up a leadership role in your congregation,
  • You’ve been entrusted with giving sermons, teaching Sunday School, or leading adult education,
  • You desire to be a faithful disciple who can help form other disciples,
  • or, you simply yearn to deepen your faith?

Then the School for Lay Ministry is tailor-made for you!

Whether you hold a formal position within your congregation or simply have a burning passion for leadership, our School for Lay Ministry provides a unique opportunity for peer-based learning while emphasizing your pivotal role as pastoral caregivers.