Co-Creation: Painting Ourselves in God’s Love

January 5, 2021 - January 26, 2021
Four sessions on Tuesdays, 6:00pm - 8:00pm Eastern Time, over four weeks. January 5-26, 2021.
Offered by Pendle Hill
Basic Cost: $125USD Subsidized Cost: $100 Plus Cost: $150

We are children of God. In this self-portrait painting adventure, we will explore what we see and feel when we gaze at our reflections with unconditional love.  We are strong, and brave, and beautifully fallible. We are on a life journey with divinity, to divinity. At this threshold of a brand new year, we will reflect on how great Spirit’s love is for each of us.

Participants will create one or more self-portraits using realism, energetic abstraction, and/or symbolism. There will be plenty of time to paint, hear poetry, reflect, and share with each other. Start the new year with a practice of self-love, fostered by a supportive and creative community.

No particular experience or skill in painting or drawing is needed. Participants may paint with acrylics, watercolors, gouache, or oil paints.

Required supplies:
2-3 (5”x7 to 8”x10”) small canvasses/canvas panels/wood panels or watercolor paper
1-2 (11”x14 to 16”x20”) larger canvasses/canvas panels/wood panels or watercolor paper
Drawing pencils, pencil sharpener, erasers
Journal and Pen
Painting supplies for each medium: brushes, paint, water cup or glass jar of mineral spirits with lid, palette/palette paper
Paper towels – preferably Viva, or shop towels (more like cloth)
Mirror – either free standing or mounted near your painting station
Smock or apron.

Optional Supplies:
Table easel, palette knife, retarder for acrylics, rubber gloves, artist/painters tape, glitter glues, oil pastels, colored pencils.


Jesse White is the Arts and Spirituality Coordinator at Pendle Hill. She holds a B.A. in Integrative Studies: Creative and Spiritual Process joined with a B.A. in Psychology from Guilford College. Jesse works as an arts educator and art therapist and directs Pigeon Arts, a cathartic art-making organization in Philadelphia. She is clerk of Frankford Monthly Meeting (PA).