Spiritual Practices for Today

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

Christians have always sought ways to increase their intimacy with God. Students will examine their prayer life and experiment with methods of deepening devotion to God.

Being Here: Exploring Christian Witness in Our Place

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

Pope Francis once wrote, “the history of our friendship with God is always linked to particular places.” Our life and ministry are always somewhere and so are shaped by what place means and the possibilities it holds. This course will introduce students to an exciting new area of theological studies that brings together Scripture, ecotheology, …
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La foi Chrétienne, la comprendre et la communiquer

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

Ce cours de 3 crédits regroupe 3 cours de 1 crédit du programme Exploration de la foi et du leadership soit : Les grands thèmes de la foi – quoi croire? L’éducation chrétienne – comment parler de la foi? Donner un message de la foi (prédication) Le cours est donc divisé en trois parties. La première …
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Intercultural Theology and Spirituality

Vancouver School Of Theology

Who is the Other? In a society so culturally and religiously diverse as Canada, how do we, current and future leaders of church and society, build just relations with the Other without breaching the Other’s identity? This course explores these questions and their spiritual implications for our time and place. A particular focus of this …
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Spirituality of Christian Worship

Vancouver School Of Theology

This course explores the connections between spiritual disciplines, gathered worship, and lived discipleship. Students will survey biblical, historical, theological, and cultural foundations of Christian worship to help design prayers and devotional liturgies that contribute to spiritual formation and nurture the faith of Christians. There will be a special focus on how a robust spirituality of …
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The Christian Imagination

Regent College

Imagination is the vital capacity to perceive and (re)conceive patterns of relation and possibility—and thus imagination is fundamental to the way the world is intelligible as a world. The overarching aim of this course is to explore and experiment with what Christian imaginations might be and how they might flourish. Given the life-encompassing scale of …
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Going Deeper: Clergy Spiritual Life and Leadership

Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation Inc.

Support for the spiritual heart of clergy of all denominations Clergy everywhere are finding congregational expectations to be overwhelming. Balance is elusive, beauty goes unnoticed, and burnout is common as clergy often find themselves isolated and pulled in many directions. A life meant to be centered in God and absorbed in wonder becomes fragmented by …
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Spiritual Direction Training (two-year courses)

Haden Institute (The)

At the Haden Institute we integrate spirituality and Jungian teachings in our Spiritual Direction Training Course. We offer participants information and skill development through brilliant lectures, readings, reflections, small group work, and case studies. While our roots are in the western Christian traditions, we also learn from religious mystics, spiritual practices and beliefs from a …
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