Violence, War, and Christian Peacemaking

September 8, 2022 - October 13, 2022
Thu, Sep 8 to Thu, Oct 13, 2022, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT

Jesus is clear that it is the peacemakers who are blessed, and this is what his disciples are to be. But Christians have disagreed for centuries as to just what it means to be a peacemaker. Does it mean that Christians are obligated to refuse the use of all violence? Does it allow for participation in warfare? If so, when is it justified and when is it not? What constitutes violence? Are some forms of coercion right and others wrong?

These are the kinds of questions Christians have reckoned with over the centuries. In this course, we will consider these questions and more by reading and discussing some of the most compelling arguments on all sides of these questions. Now, when violence and warfare are once again in the news and at the forefront of our minds, this is certainly the right time to ask these vital questions again and discuss them with others.

This class will meet six times, on Thursdays, September 8, 15, 22, 29, October 6, 13, 2-3:30 pm eastern. All class meetings will occur on Zoom. The course will also have an online class site through the SSFM Populi platform(login information and instructions sent separately).