Welcoming the New Year: A Twelve-Step Retreat (on Zoom)

December 31, 2020 - January 1, 2021
Thursday, 31 December 2020 – Friday, 01 January 2021
$60USD Suggested Donation
West ParkNY

This year’s theme will be “Going to Any Lengths”

It’s always good to take time at the turning of the year to review and renew our programs. This year we may need it more than ever! It’s essential that we stay on track in our recovery.

This year has brought unique challenges that have required us to stretch in new ways. We will dive into that reality, remembering and celebrating the lengths we have gone to in order to maintain our recovery, and preparing ourselves for another day of stretching.

We will meet on Zoom at 10 a.m., 3:30 p.m., and 8 p.m. on December 31, and at 10 a.m. on January 1 (all times Eastern). These will be times for presentation and sharing; the 8 p.m. session will be a speaker meeting, followed by time for gratitudes and New Year wishes. In between sessions we will have questions to reflect on, and some times for brief individual meetings with Sr. Shane.

Shane Phelan, CMA is the co-founder of the Companions of Mary the Apostle, a religious community for followers of Christ of all genders. The Companions blend settled “monastic” life with networked active members. You can learn more about the Companions at www.companionsofmarytheapostle.org. She is an Episcopal priest, retreat leader, and spiritual director. She lives in West Park, NY.