The Fifth Evangelist: The Sacred Repertoire of J.S. Bach

May 22, 2023 - May 26, 2023
May 22–May 26, 2023: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, 8:30AM–11:30AM Vancouver Time
Offered by Regent College
$520 per credit hour and  $385 per audit hour, plus $20 per credit or audit hour for online access and a flat $35 registration fee.  

On May 22, 1723, J.S. Bach moved to Leipzig to take up a posting as director of music at St. Thomas Church, beginning 27 years of vigorous musical output in that city. Over that time, Bach composed, performed, and directed some of the most famous sacred music in the western tradition. Through it all, the signature on his manuscripts—SDG, or Soli Deo Gloria—spoke loudly of his life’s calling and the purpose of his musical output. Join us as we explore and honour Bach’s incalculable legacy and enduring impact on church music, both choral and instrumental. Enter into the profoundly moving St. John Passion, the incomparable Mass in B Minor, as well as some of his best-known preludes and cantatas. Consider the character of this remarkable man throughout his career whose faithful service and unparalleled skill have drawn countless believers into contemplation of the glory of God.

Format Onsite/Online
Credit Hours 1–2
Audit Hours 1