Sacred Side Hustle 2022: managing multiple paid and/or unpaid commitments as part of your unique vocation

November 13, 2022 - November 14, 2022
November 13-14, 2022 (times not published yet; pay attention to the time zone of the hosts!)
Offered by New Leaf Network

Do you need space? Maybe you are managing multiple roles and you need space to decompress? Are you considering experimenting with new ministry methods and need space to process? Perhaps you support multivocational leaders and want to learn more about the various spaces that help people thrive in their unique callings? Would you like a space to connect with  others serving in a multivocational capacity?

Sacred Side Hustle returns for its second annual event.

This event is unique in that it focuses on those who are managing multiple paid and/or unpaid commitments as part of their unique vocation. This year’s conference is designed to give multivocational leaders a space that fosters creativity, balance, and connection to God’s calling on our lives.

We’ll pause from the hustle and explore ways to reflect, celebrate, and rest. We’ll hear from multivocational leaders and scholars, clergy wellness professionals, and an expert in “play as sacred restoration”. Together, we’ll practice making space for the sacred in the midst of the competing priorities.

Join us for an interactive Zoom event and explore a more spacious vocation at Sacred Side Hustle 2022.