Mere Science and Christian Faith

March 3, 2021 - March 24, 2021
March 3, 10, 17, & 24 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CST Via Webcast | LIVE ONLINE
Offered by Luther Seminary
Get access to the full course for just $55. Four live webcasts (one hour each) 4 Contact Hours Assignments and break-out sessions that bring the material to life A safe space to connect, discuss, and share
St. PaulMN

We live in a science and technology-obsessed culture. It’s tempting to think both will make our faith obsolete. At the same time, how are we supposed to engage young adults who, more and more frequently, see the church as “anti-science?”

Is it possible for science to enhance faith and promote spiritual growth?

Not only is this possible, but understanding how is necessary.


What You’ll Learn

  • How science and faith relate today, but also how they’ve interacted historically
  • The connections between contemporary science and biblical practices like forgiveness
  • Key areas of struggle and discovery – like evolution, Big Bang cosmology, and more
  • Critical issues of technology and faith, including social media, AI, and Transhumanism


This course will provide theologically grounded spiritual practices that empower your day-to-day life as a follower of Jesus Christ.

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How it Works

Join our host, Dr. Greg Cootsona, and an engaged learning cohort of fellow faith leaders live and online!

  • Participate in four one-hour webcast sessions

    Be there from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM on the first four Wednesdays in March – the 3rd through the 24th – as Dr. Cootsona explains the strategic need for churches to understand, engage, and integrate science with faith.

  • Practice within a safe context

    During the course, participants will have break-out sessions to discuss and apply what they’re learning in order to deepen their understanding.

  • Develop meaningful connections

    As always, knowledge is always more meaningful when you have people to share the experience with. This course is a wonderful opportunity to meet other like-minded leaders who are also learning how to integrate science and faith.

Meet the Instructor

Dr. Greg Cootsona is a speaker and writer in science and faith, emerging adults, C. S. Lewis, and Christian life and thought. He teaches religion, humanities, and philosophy at California State University, Chico. Greg also currently co-directs Science for the Church, a project designed to bring science to Christian congregations as a resource for spiritual growth. His most recent books are Negotiating Science and Religion in America: Past, Present, and Future (Routledge, 2020) and Mere Science and Christian Faith: Bridging the Divide with Emerging Adults (InterVarsity, 2018). Greg studied comparative literature at U.C. Berkeley (B.A.); theology and biblical studies at Princeton Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity); and the philosophy of religion, Christian doctrine, as well as science and religion at the Universities of Tübingen and Heidelberg and Berkeley’s Graduate Theological Union (where he received his Ph.D.). He has appeared on the Today Show and has been interviewed by CNN, the Wall Street Journal, National Public Radio, the BBC, and the New York Times. He and his wife, Laura, live in Chico, California, and have two emerging adult daughters (22 and 25). Besides hanging out with his family, Greg loves to bike, read, write, and drink good coffee.