Exploring Indigenous Perspectives in Church Leadership: A Māori Lens

July 15, 2024 - July 19, 2024
July 15, 2024 - July 19, 2024 Time: 9:00 am for 3 hours Tutorial: 2:00–5:00 pm (M.Div only)
Regular Rate Audit Registration: $300 (early bird $285 until May 15, 2024) Continuing Education Certificate Credit: $375 (early bird $360 until May 15, 2024) Degree Credit Tuition & Registration Most Summer School courses are also available for 1.5 credits of either basic or advanced graduate degree credit. Current degree tuition rates apply, plus a $45 Registration fee (ee https://vst.edu/students/tuition-fees/).

This course explores the “why” behind Indigenous leadership, framed by global Indigenous perspectives related to self-determination, cultural identity, community well-being and the recognition of Indigenous rights.  It examines the intersection of these themes with Indigenous Christian leadership, using Māori contexts in Aotearoa New Zealand as a comparative illustration.

Learners will engage with Western leadership theories such as servant and relational leadership theory, gaining insights into how these can be redefined and enriched by incorporating Indigenous perspectives and values into Indigenous church leadership. The course emphasises how Indigenous leadership research challenges and reshapes established Western leadership paradigms, offering new insights and approaches to understanding and practising leadership.

Encouraging critical reflection, the course invites students to draw parallels, explore differences, and adapt Indigenous leadership principles in ways that align with their cultural insights and experiences.

The goal is to foster an environment of mutual learning and respect, valuing diverse Indigenous experiences and wisdoms, and integrating them into a comprehensive understanding of contemporary church leadership in its Indigenous expressions.

Course will be taught in person at VST and via Zoom for distance students (degree students must connect synchronously if studying via Zoom).