The Puritan Literary Imagination

July 17, 2023 - July 21, 2023
Jul 17–Jul 21, 2023; Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri., 8:30AM–11:30AM Vancouver Time
Offered by Regent College
$520 per credit hour and  $385 per audit hour, plus $20 per credit or audit hour for online access and a flat $35 registration fee.

Immerse yourself in two classics of the Christian imagination: Milton’s Paradise Lost (1667) and Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress (1678). Written just over a decade apart, these texts have profoundly shaped the modern literary and theological imagination–especially our concepts of God, Satan, sin, the fall, human nature, and paradise. Join us as we explore the artistry and doctrinal perspectives of these two seventeenth-century Puritans and encounter afresh their remarkable insights into the Christian experience.

Classes will begin with a short 20–25 minute mini-lecture introducing the key themes under discussion and providing relevant historical contexts, followed by open discussion in seminar-style format.

Format Onsite/Online
Credit Hours 1–2
Audit Hours 1