The Joy of Text: Reading the Bible with Liberating Lenses

June 3, 2024 - June 7, 2024
June 3-7, 2024 2:00 pm - 4:15 pm Eastern Time
New HavenCT

Don’t we just pick up the Bible and read it? What are various ways of interpreting the text and why do these methods matter? With attention to texts of the Hebrew Bible, this class offers an introductory sampling of different approaches in biblical studies, reading with feminist, disability, African, queer, and childist lenses. Course elements will include film, art, and poetry, as we engage the Bible creatively. No previous knowledge of the Bible or these approaches is needed for this course–just an open mind and curiosity to discover how Scripture is vibrantly and vitally connected to our lives today.

Recommended text: Eve Isn’t Evil: Feminist Readings of the Bible to Upend Our Assumptions (for those who prefer not to purchase this book, pdfs of needed chapters will be provided). A few articles will also be distributed in advance. The Bible readings that are the focus of each day will be in the syllabus.