The Art of Coaching Teams

November 8, 2023 - November 8, 2023
November 8th, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CT. Recorded for any who can’t attend live
Offered by Luther Seminary
St PaulMN

What you will learn

Can you honestly say you are meeting all the needs of your congregation? Is that even possible?

The truth is that it doesn’t matter how motivated, dedicated, or organized you are, it’s still impossible to do everything yourself. And it’s critical to have others you can depend on.

You need a team of motivated laypersons who will pick up any slack and allow you to concentrate on what you do best as a church leader. But how can you make sure your team is ready to meet the challenges they will face?

That’s why having strong and effective coaching skills is essential to your success as a church leader.

Our upcoming online workshop – “The Art of Coaching Teams” can equip you for the work you are doing now and the work ahead.