Stepping Up to Supervision

Luther Seminary

Developed from working with hundreds of congregations and denominational bodies across the US and Canada, Susan Beaumont’s training series “Stepping Up to Supervision” is the comprehensive source to equip you in the everyday and long term needs of supervising others. Whether you are a seasoned clergy person, manage a church office, or work in other …
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Thriving in Ministry Program

Virginia Theological Seminary

Ordained leaders develop throughout their lives. Over time, they hone clearer insights, abilities, skills, and habits, but they also run the risk of plateauing, stagnating and resorting to “auto-pilot.” Typical continuing education programs focus on short-term bursts of new learning, and while inspiring, do not yield long-term growth. Priests need spaces where they can focus on …
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Emmaus Certificate in Formational Leadership

Leadership Transformations

“Take care how you listen.” – The words of Jesus to his disciples, Luke 8 Emmaus is a place, an environment, a culture where spiritual growth occurs. Together we are learning disciplines, habits and rhythms that give honor and time to the consistent, incremental, hidden working of the Holy Spirit. In Emmaus, we are learning …
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The Soul of Leadership: An 18-month program for contemplative leadership

Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation Inc.

Several dates and locations offered Would you like to lead in a more conscious, heart-centered way? The Soul of Leadership recognizes that leaders today face particularly difficult challenges. The commitment to inspire others while also increasing productivity and balancing the needs of the organization can leave leaders feeling depleted. Long hours and countless demands often …
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