Telling (the Bible) by Heart through Lent

March 5, 2022 - April 9, 2022
Six Saturdays in Lent March 5-Apr 9/22, 9-10am Pacific Time
$30 or $25 per person for groups of 4 or more.

A devotional practice of remembering and telling the Word together, with Linnea Good.

Open to all

 We will learn about oral tradition in the time that the Word was composed, how parts of the Bible were first composed by “tellers” who had “listeners” and how that affects our understanding of their message. We’ll learn a method of by-hearting that makes remembering words much easier than you think (really!). We’ll ponder the stories and words we are learning, in order to explore what God might be saying to each of us today. We’ll speak the Word aloud in one another’s presence, and receive encouragement. 

To register, contact Rita Lyster 780-674-2185 or [email protected]