Ce cours de 3 crédits regroupe 3 cours de 1 crédit du programme Exploration de la foi et du leadership soit : Les grands thèmes de la foi – quoi croire? L’éducation chrétienne – comment parler de la foi? Donner un message de la foi (prédication) Le cours est donc divisé en trois parties. La première …
View course details “La foi Chrétienne, la comprendre et la communiquer”
Experience a Lenten practice of “contemplative writing”—writing for no audience except you and God. Through weekly prompts, workshops, and invitations to write both in and outside of class, you will be invited to explore how words can become a pathway into prayer, making you more open and available to God’s love and work in your …
View course details “Writing as Spiritual Practice: A Lenten Invitation”
Live from a place of peace and love in these turbulent times Heart Longings: An Invitation to the Contemplative Path is an eight-month program on Zoom that invites you to ground yourself in a place of peace and love, embracing diverse spiritual expressions. With the support of community, retreats, monthly gatherings, small group time and …
View course details “Heart Longings: An Invitation to the Contemplative Path”
Experiences, resources, and encouragement for those called to create and lead contemplative spiritual groups and retreats for personal and social transformation Do you feel a nudge to create and lead contemplative spiritual groups and retreats? Transforming Community: Leading Contemplative Spiritual Groups & Retreats is designed to equip, encourage, and support those called to create and …
View course details “Transforming Community: Leading Contemplative Spiritual Prayer Groups & Retreats”
Our spirituality is who we are, and our spiritual journey is as long as the days of our lives. At the end of our lives, each of us will have spent it on something; something will have consumed us. As christians, we hope to be consumed by christ, or, as the apostle paul states, “to …
View course details “Consumed: A Sacred Quest”
Support for the spiritual heart of clergy of all denominations Clergy everywhere are finding congregational expectations to be overwhelming. Balance is elusive, beauty goes unnoticed, and burnout is common as clergy often find themselves isolated and pulled in many directions. A life meant to be centered in God and absorbed in wonder becomes fragmented by …
View course details “Going Deeper: Clergy Spiritual Life and Leadership”
Lancaster Theological Seminary and the Stevenson School for Ministry offer an Anglican Studies certificate program at the Seminary as a collaborative venture to prepare students for service in the Episcopal Church. The program supports a variety of Episcopal ministries ranging from priesthood and the diaconate to pastoral care, educational and lay ministries. The Certificate in …
View course details “Anglican Studies Certificate Program”
The NBSC offers monthly workshops and training events for a small fee, and makes them available after the fact in their online event library.
This page lists all current and recorded courses, workshops and retreats.
How is Faith Formed? Lisa Kimball and Sarah Bentley Allred will discuss the basics of how faith is formed, drawing on the work of John Westerhoff and other leaders in the field. Introduction Introduction (0:31) Spirituality is innate and better images for formation (2:34) The relationship between spirituality and faith (10:42) The relationship between spirituality …
View course details “Building Faith Basics: Intro to Formation Theory”