Supervised Ministry B: Leadership

September 9, 2024 - December 16, 2024
Mondays, Sep 9 - Dec 16, 2024; Time: 2:00PM - 4:00PM
Offered by Regent College
$520 per credit hour registered for onsite $540 per credit hour registered for online $385 per audit hour registered for onsite $405 per audit hour registered for online

The class time of supervised Ministry B focuses upon leadership skills. Students will learn a framework and skills for collaborative leadership. Students will develop imagination for leaderful-communities, where every person is empowered for ministry. Students learn leadership skills, such as developing a vision, stewarding change, working with conflict, facilitation, and leading people with different personalities. The course is especially focused on pastoral ministry but is also applicable to Christian leadership in other contexts.

In their ministry placements, students will experience Christian community through the lens of leadership and pastoral vocation, engaging in supervised and evaluated ministry in a local church setting. The internship is designed to give student-pastors an opportunity to explore and reflect on the dynamics of pastoral ministry in a living community of faith. Key to the student experience is reflection on ministry they are engaged in. This will be facilitated in their student-supervisor relationship, in the regular class gatherings, and through reflective course assignments.

Supervised Ministry prepares students for the vocation of pastor or Christian leader, by means of s student-ministry placement over one or two consecutive academic years and pastorally oriented class time. It is hoped that investing in a church (or NGO) is a deeply transformative experience for students. Class time and assignments are designed to nurture and equip participants to survive and thrive in pastoral minsitry and missional Christian leadership. Supervised Ministry A (year 1) focuses on prayer and spiritual life. Supervised Ministry B (year 2) focuses on leadership skills.

Students register for 1.5 credits in Fall Term and 1.5 credits in the following Winter Term, for a total of 3 credits.