Starting a Fresh Expression of Church

September 1, 2023 - December 31, 2025
Any time start and end.
Offered by Luther Seminary
St PaulMN

Unlocking the Future of Community Engagement with Fresh Expressions

What you’ll learn

What could it look like to nurture thriving, fully-developed faith communities that live somewhere permanently outside the confines of traditional church buildings? In “Starting a Fresh Expression of Church,” we invite you to embark on the transformative journey of redefining how you perceive and practice church! Explore how church can happen authentically anywhere people naturally gather—from hiking trails to pickleball courts. This course is your guide to initiating, cultivating, and flourishing within the new and surprising expressions of church that might resonate for believers and seekers in this ever-changing century.

Unlock the power of the Fresh Expressions framework, bringing your church closer to the community while maintaining cherished traditions, and discover how to leverage your unique gifts to minister to those around you. Learn how to infuse spiritual conversations and practices into everyday activities, fostering connections and spiritual growth in unexpected places. By the end of this course, you’ll possess the knowledge, insights, and actionable strategies you need in order to build, lead, and participate in fresh expressions of church that effectively and joyfully embody the spirit of Jesus in the modern world.