Leadership for the Church in a Secular Age

January 16, 2023 - May 6, 2023
Details had not been published when this course was listed here. Registration opens on November 2, 2022. Classes start on January 16, 2023; end of term is not shown.
Offered by Regent College
Tuition rates for Fall 2022 and Winter 2023 will be: $505 per credit hour $375 per audit hour
A) (Pre-recorded Distance Education Option Available)

What does it mean to be a Christian—and the church—in our secular age? More specifically, what does it look like to provide leadership for a church that responds with Christian integrity and missional effectiveness to our current social, cultural and political contexts? Examine a diverse range of historical sources providing unique insight into the meaning of secularization and the needs of church leaders in “such a time as this.” Delve into the insights of Augustine and the early church, the Judean exiles, the church in secularized Europe, and historic minority churches. Adopt an inter-disciplinary approach, taking into account philosophical, sociological, and historical perspectives. Leave with a better sense of the specific competencies and spiritual dispositions required to lead the church in a secular age.

Credit Hours: 2 – 3
Audit Hours: 2