Join the Rev. Erin Jean Warde in a 5-week study of her book, Sober Spirituality: The Joy of a Mindful Relationship with Alcohol. In this course, you’ll explore how alcohol affects us in mind, body, and soul, such that you will be encouraged to get prayerfully curious about how drinking shows up in your life, while trusting how the Spirit leads you into answering the question: How do I want to be in relationship with alcohol? This course will engage communal spiritual reflection and act as a support to those who are participating in “Sober October,” those who are sober, and/or those who are questioning their drinking.
For questions, contact [email protected]
Meet the instructor, the Rev. Erin Jean Warde
The Rev. Erin Jean Warde (she/her) is an Episcopal priest, spiritual director, recovery coach, and writer. She is the author of Sober Spirituality: The Joy of a Mindful Relationship with Alcohol, coming out April 2023. She offers a course, Discerning Sobriety, which helps participants bring spiritual practices and mindfulness into their relationship with alcohol. You can explore her offerings around recovery coaching, spiritual direction, and more at You can explore her Substack, Chaos Land, which includes free weekly posts and a community. She lives in Nashville, TN with her 3 cats, and in her free time you can find her watching comedy, and thrift or vintage shopping.