Reading & Preaching Biblical Poetry

July 8, 2024 - July 12, 2024
Jul 8–Jul 12, 2024: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri 8:30AM–11:30AM Vancouver Time
Offered by Regent College
Credit Hours 1–2 Audit Hours 1 Credit Tuition (onsite / online) $520 / $540 per credit hour Audit Tuition (onsite / online) $385 / $405 per credit hour

Dive into Scripture and explore its rich poetic depths. Develop comfort and insight around biblical poetry, familiarizing yourself with its conventions, common idioms, and literary devices. Deepen your confidence in drawing on biblical poetry for ministry, learning to effectively incorporate it into your preaching. Together we will explore biblical metaphor, imagery, and other forms of figurative language, asking what biblical poetry means for our spiritual lives, our ministry contexts, and our engagement with the world around us.