Preachers helping preachers.

January 5, 2023 - June 16, 2023
Application Closes: November 10, 2022 Receive Application Response: November 30, 2022 Opening Virtual Retreat: January 5–6, 2023 Online Course #1: January 15–February 5, 2023 Online Course #2: April 17–May 8, 2023 Closing Retreat: June 11 – 16, 2023
The fee for participation is $200USD per person. Payment is required at registration and each peer group member will register individually. If your group is admitted to the program, each member will receive an email with a link to register for the program. The fee includes the opening virtual planning retreat, two online courses with live discussion with the instructors, and a closing retreat on the seminary campus. Travel reimbursement of up to $400USD per person, is provided for travel to Princeton Seminary for the on-campus retreat, with proper documentation. The 2022 program receives support from a grant from Lilly Endowment, Inc.

Strong preaching is often identified as a reason for participation in weekly worship.  And yet, the demands of weekly sermon preparation on top of other responsibilities is a heavy load for pastors to carry alone. Be part of the Sustaining the Preaching Life Program to be renewed through vocational friendships and a fresh look at the weekly sermon.

1. Attend the OPENING Virtual Retreat
Gather online for a welcome and orientation to the program. Spend time with your cohort developing your learning plan.
2. Complete 2 Online Preaching Courses on Our Learning Platform
Each cohort selects 2 online courses to take together during the program. Courses are offered on our learning platform, run 4 weeks, and include video instruction, readings, assignments, discussions, and a live session with the instructor.
3. Participate in Self-directed Cohort Activities

Between the retreats and online courses there are open weeks for your cohort to fill as it chooses. We suggest practices such as a monthly Zoom cohort meeting to stay in touch. You might read a book together, pray together, take turns leading a session for your group. You decide.

4. Attend the Closing Retreat

Come to the Princeton Theological Seminary campus for a time of renewal and closure to your learning process.  Assistance with travel costs is provided. Our Spring 2022 closing retreat will take place at the Seminary’s longstanding preaching event: The Engle Institute of Preaching.

How to Apply

1. Form Your Cohort

Recruit 3 – 5 other preachers to form a group that will learn together over the course of the program.

2. Submit Your Cohort Application

Submit one application per cohort. Applications are due by November 10, 2022.
Because of the nature of the program, gathering online and on the Princeton Seminary campus, cohort members need not live in the same area.