Heart Longings: An Invitation to the Contemplative Path

November 16, 2024 - June 7, 2025
Opening Retreat: November 15-16, 2024: (Friday 5pm-9pm ET and Saturday 10am-5pm ET) December 14, 2024: (10am-1pm ET) January 4, 2025: (10am-1pm ET) February 1, 2025: (10am-1pm ET) March 15, 2025: (10am-1pm ET) April 5, 2025: (10am-1pm ET) May 10, 2025: (10am-1pm ET) Closing Retreat: June 6-7, 2025: (Friday 5pm-9pm ET and Saturday 10am-5pm ET)
Early bird (through 9/20/2024): $1,300USD Regular price (after 9/20/2024): $1,500USD

Live from a place of peace and love in these turbulent times

Heart Longings: An Invitation to the Contemplative Path is an eight-month program on Zoom that invites you to ground yourself in a place of peace and love, embracing diverse spiritual expressions. With the support of community, retreats, monthly gatherings, small group time and spiritual direction, we explore our hearts’ longings. The program begins and ends with 24-hour retreats and meets monthly on Saturday mornings in between.

Staying Grounded in the Storm: Contemplative Living
For Everything There Is a Season: Waiting, Listening, and Acting
Building the Beloved Community
Listening and Seeing: Music and Art as Contemplation
Walking as Prayer: Body and Nature
Sacred Activism: Contemplative Grounding for Social Change
Earth Awareness
Staying Faithful to the Journey: Gifts and Challenges

A Certificate of Completion is awarded upon completion of all program requirements.