Early and Medieval Christian Spirituality

September 9, 2024 - October 28, 2024
From 09/09/2024 to 10/28/2024, times not determined at time of listing.

In this course, students will learn the origins of Christian monastic, mendicant, and mystical spiritualities by immersing themselves in the pre-Reformation literature and spiritual practices of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, the Benedictines, the Cistercians, the Celtic Christians, the Franciscans, and the Medieval English Mystics. By doing so, students will recover spiritual nourishment and riches from early and medieval Christian traditions that feed some of today’s deepest religious hungers.

Instructor: The Rev. Daniel London, PhD, serves as the rector of Christ Episcopal Church in Eureka CA. He earned his doctorate in Christian Spirituality at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. He is a certified Forest Therapy Guide and the author of several books. He has also published articles and presented papers at academic conferences around the world. He lives in the Transfiguration House in Eureka CA with his wife Dr. Ashley London Bacchi and their two Yorkies, Seabury and Gubbio.