Nurturing New Life

In a contemplative and creative setting, feed the inner life that is taking form. As we gather in the darkness of winter, we sense God’s eternal Light. Sinking into the silence and listening to the still small voice within, we will nourish and give expression to what is growing within us through art, poetry, journaling, …
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Journey Toward an Undivided Life: A Circle of Trust® Retreat Series Five Spiritual Principles

“Once again I felt profoundly grateful for the circles I first experienced at Pendle Hill –grateful for what they taught me about the reality and power of the soul, about a way of being together that allows the soul to make a claim on our lives, and about the miracles that can happen when we …
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Silent Retreat – August

Time for the Inner Journey: Silent Retreats Are you searching in your spiritual journey? Do you experience an emptiness longing to be filled? Are you struggling with one of life’s big questions and need to gift yourself with some peace and quiet? Are you curious about spiritual practices? Whether you are discerning, seeking or are …
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Building Communities of Care: A Pastoral Care Series: Providing Pastoral Care During Transitional Times

Friday, October 26 (6 pm supper) to Sunday, October 28 (1 pm) During this retreat we will focus our attention on providing pastoral care to people who are facing transitions in their lives such as changing health, moving to new living environments, facing financial crisis, manoeuvring through health care systems or facing new relational challenges. …
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Courage to Lead® Seasonal Retreat Series: Autumn: Second Weekend of Four: A Courage & Renewal® program

Tuesday, October 16 (6 pm supper) to Thursday, October 18 (4 pm) An ecumenical retreat series based on the work of Parker J. Palmer where clergy, lay leaders and spiritual mentors journey together for four retreats to experience renewal, a safe place to speak openly about their lives and vocation, connection with their soul’s inner …
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Journey Toward An Undivided Life: An Introductory Circle Of Trust ®

$375.00 Based on the work of Parker J. Palmer, this Circle of Trust ® retreat explores the intersection of our personal and professional lives. Using poetry, meditation, dialogue, stories, music, movement, relaxation and journaling, we foster renewal of body and mind. Those in professions such as organizational leadership, education, community service, law and medicine know …
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