Radiance ~ Summer Day Retreat

A day to slow down and reflect upon the images and invitations of Summer. An opportunity to pause and reconnect with ourselves, like-minded souls, God’s Spirit, and the Earth’s rhythms. The bright days of summer yield a season of ripening, beauty, and abundance. We too are full of growth-potential, strength, vitality, and radiance! During our …
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Formation in Spiritual Accompaniment Program – Year 1

The Ignatian Spirituality Centre of Montreal will offer the Spiritual Accompaniment Formation Program, Year 1, beginning with a summer intensive, and continuing in the Fall and Winter with a combination of online meetings and in-person weekend training sessions. Program Overview Are you called to become a spiritual director?   Do people feel secure in sharing their …
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Spiritual Memoir: Where a Life Meets Mystery

Each person’s life is a sacred story—unique, laden with insight and eager for engagement.  When we write our experiences, we discover patterns in the details, open ourselves to surprises, and participate in meaning-making.  Writing memories, done with intention, becomes a transformational practice. Join Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew, author of Writing the Sacred Journey and Living Revision, for this introductory …
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Discover your Wisdom and Change your Life: A SoulCollage® Retreat

his retreat is for anyone on life’s journey who would like to know more of your own intuition and wisdom. You will be guided in the special SoulCollage® method of collaging magazine images in a way that creates surprisingly insightful collages. With journaling and easy personal voice dialogue, you will discover inner parts, inner archetypes …
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Putting Money in Its Place

Most North Americans grow up in a culture that worships money, embedded in an economic system that holds money up as the only true measure of value. But money is a failed god, as we see in the fear that threatens our personal well-being and our relationships, in the overwork and overwhelm that guts community …
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