Journey Toward an Undivided Life: A Circle of Trust® Retreat Series Five Spiritual Principles

November 9, 2012 - November 11, 2012
Offered by Pendle Hill
Wallingford PA

“Once again I felt profoundly grateful for the circles I first experienced at Pendle Hill –grateful for what they taught me about the reality and power of the soul, about a way of being together that allows the soul to make a claim on our lives, and about the miracles that can happen when we do.” Parker J. Palmer, from A Hidden Wholeness

Based on the work of Parker J. Palmer, the Circle of Trust® Retreat Series enables those engaged in various professions to explore issues of transition, vocation, passion, life purpose, direction, and related questions, and to live in alignment with their deepest values. The series consists of four retreats – one during each season – and uses the cycles of nature as lenses for examining vocational and life questions in an atmosphere of mutual respect.

In a safe, quiet, nurturing, and confidential environment, each retreat presents tools to promote reflection and clarity, including poetry, prose, music, video, interaction with nature, and movement. Morning meditation and gentle yoga are available to start each day. Each retreat includes periods of silence, journaling and time for self-reflection, and large and small group discussions. Clearness committees, a Quaker communal process for individual discernment, are offered each time.

Participants need to complete a short questionnaire upon registration.

Session # 1 – The Seed of the True Self, November 9-11, 2012
Session #2 – Dwelling in Darkness, February 22-24, 2013
Session #3 – Embracing the Power of Paradox, April 19-21, 2013
Session #4 – Living with Abundance and Gratitude, July 19-21, 2013

$1860/shared room; $2160/private room; $1520/commuter
includes room, board, and tuition for all four sessions.

Register by August 31 and get a 10% discount!

Valerie Brown is a Circle of Trust® facilitator prepared by the Center for Courage & Renewal and Parker J. Palmer. She is a member of Solebury Monthly Meeting (PA) and was ordained by Thich Nhat Hanh as a lay member of the Tien Hiep Order. The author of two Pendle Hill pamphlets, The Mindful Quaker: A Brief Introduction to Buddhist Wisdom for Friends and Living from the Center: Mindfulness Meditation and Centering for Friends, she is a popular Pendle Hill teacher and retreat leader.
Born in Canada and raised and educated in Africa, Carol Kortsch worked internationally for 20 years establishing live-in rehabilitation, counseling, and training communities before moving to Radnor (PA). With a lifelong passion for leading and teaching in diverse communities, she is now a group facilitator with the Center for Courage & Renewal.

November 9 – 11, 2012


based on accommodations choice