Practicing Spirituality with Anglicans E-Course

Anglicans (a.k.a Episcopalians) have contributed many rich resources to the wellspring of spirituality. We’ve tapped into that source to create this course consisting of 40 emails. Each email includes a thought-provoking quotation from an Anglican preacher, teacher, or spiritual director followed by a related practice suggestion. You are encouraged to reflect on the passage quoted …
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Practicing Spirituality with Anglicans – (E-Course)

By Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat   Anglicans (a.k.a Episcopalians) have contributed many rich resources to the wellspring of spirituality. We’ve tapped into that source to create this course consisting of 40 emails. Each email includes a thought-provoking quotation from an Anglican preacher, teacher, or spiritual director followed by a related practice suggestion. You are …
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Be a Seminarian for a Day

Considering seminary?  Hearing a call to ministry?  Thinking about supporting Trinity in your prayers or financially? You are warmly invited to attend one of Trinity’s upcoming “Be a Seminarian for a Day” events. Guest seminarians join with faculty, staff, and students for Morning Prayer in Trinity’s Chapel and then are able to attend 2-4 classes …
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Westminster seminar explores ‘conflict and reconciliation’ in the Anglican Communion

International Anglican speakers will gather in Westminster Abbey in London over the coming months to help lead a series of seminars discussing key issues for the Anglican Communion in the run up to the Lambeth Conference. In partnership with the Anglican Communion Office, the Abbey is hosting a series of day events between November 2019 …
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