Worship in the Prayer Book Tradition

The Book of Common Prayer is central to understanding the distinctives, commonalities and appeal of the Anglican Way, both historically and in contemporary mission. This course challenges students toward a deep appreciation of the living Prayer Book Tradition of North American and global Anglicanism. Pastoral, biblical, theological, liturgical, aesthetic, formational and missional coherence are all …
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Anglican Ecumenism Seminar

This research seminar will explore the history and theology of modern Anglican ecumenical thought and practice. Students will engage key Anglican ecumenical texts and a wide selection of agreed statements and documented dialogues between Anglicans and other church bodies. These will include Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox (non-Chalcedonian), Pentecostal, Reformed, and Roman Catholic churches. …
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Sacramental Theology

This course will explore sacramental theology through the lens of the Episcopal Church and, specifically, how the sacraments are encountered through the liturgies of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The majority of the course will focus on the sacraments of baptism and eucharist, but the other sacramental rites will be examined. By the end …
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What We Believe: Theology in the Anglican Tradition

It has become rather commonplace to suppose that Anglican Christians care mostly about liturgy and not very much about theology. That’s not true! Anglican traditions exhibit a rich and diverse history of theological reflection. Anglicans have always insisted that that how Christians think and talk about God makes a critical difference in what Christians believe. …
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