Leading Bible Study in Small Groups

March 8, 2022 - March 22, 2022
Tuesday nights at 7 PM: March 8: Getting familiar with the Bible March 15: The Arc of our salvation story March 22: Starting a Bible study group
Cost is $45USD or free with a diocesan Shaped by Faith voucher.

This three-week learning module will be taught by Sharon Ely Pearson Tuesday nights at 7 PM:

  • March 8: Getting familiar with the Bible
  • March 15: The Arc of our salvation story
  • March 22: Starting a Bible study group

Recommended texts: a study Bible (NRSV preferred), The Dream of God by Verna Dozier, The Prayer Book Guide to Christian Education, 3rd ed. by Sharon Ely Peason and Robyn Szoke (available at a discount from the course leader).

Come to understand the arc of the Salvation Story as written in Holy Scripture and receive a solid understanding of the themes, narratives, and backgrounds to the books of the Bible (Hebrew Scriptures and New Testament). Become familiar with the different biblical translations and how our lectionary is constructed. Experience and learn at least six methods for doing Bible study in small groups including Dwelling in the Word, Oral Tradition, Modern Application, Equipping the Saints, and more.

This course will be conducted weekly on Zoom. A link for the Zoom classes will be made available to you before the course begins.