Exploring the Lenten Texts for 2012 “Thunder & Angels” Preaching Between Two Gospels February 16, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Dr. Karoline Lewis, Professor of Preaching, Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN. The Gospel lessons for Lent, Year B, are from both Mark and John, two very different stories of Jesus and portraits of …
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Apocalypse: Humanity’s Future in Light of Prophetic Vision
February 18-21, 2012 Apocalypse: Humanity’s Future in Light of Prophetic Vision Something is afoot. Not only do ancient prophecies point to an apocalyptic ending, but, more importantly, there is an unveiling phenomenon that humanity is on a trajectory pointing either to a consciousness shift or a bleak and treacherous future. We will explore a new-school …
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Advent in the Holy Land
Course Name: Advent in the Holy Land Course Details: Cost In US Dollars: $2150 Duration: 10 days Start Date: 12/6/2011 End Date: 12/15/2011 Location: Status: On Schedule Note: Course members are expected to be in residence at the College by 18:00 (6:00pm) the night before the course begins and until breakfast the day following the …
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New Testament Greek
The ETSS Online School in Spirituality and Mission The Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest forms men and women for lay and ordained ministry within the church and the larger society. The Online School in Spirituality and Mission expands this purpose through online courses designed for laity interested in a fuller understanding of Christian faith …
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Network Of Biblical Storytellers Academy for Biblical Storytelling
NOBS Academy for Biblical Storytelling Purpose The purpose of the NOBS Academy for Biblical Storytelling is to provide a process of support and training in both performance and teaching, helping students to achieve a significant degree of skill and experience in each, ultimately allowing participants to function as certified biblical storytellers and, consequently, commended resource …
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Emmanuel & St. Chad Distance Education
Emmanuel & St. Chad Courses and Learning Opportunities Distance Eductation / On-Line Learning The College of Emmanuel and St. Chad does not offer any full degree program by distance education. Students who have been admitted to a degree program, and occasional students, may complete up to one full year of studies through Distance Education. Being …
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Regent College Continuing Studies Courses
Regent College Continuing Education Courses – E-Courses (Distance Learning) For courses information: http://www.regent-college.edu/academics/cstudies/documents/Courselist06-07.pdf For more information please visit the website.
Billy Graham Schools of Evangelism
Billy Graham Schools of Evangelism Over 167,000 pastors have affirmed that their experience at the Billy Graham Schools of Evangelism have encouraged their spiritual lives and have given them the tools and resources needed for a more effective evangelistic ministry in their communities. Every minister, no matter how effective, needs to “drink from new springs” …
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Mark’s Gospel (Distance Education)
Thorneloe University Religious Studies Course (Distance Education) RLST 3166 E – Mark’s Gospel A study of the earliest New Testament account of the life of Jesus. Emphasis is placed on the controversies surrounding the historicity of Jesus, his understanding of his mission, his trial and execution and the post-resurrection appearances. (lec 3) cr 3 • …
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The Prophets of Israel (Distance Education)
Thorneloe University Religious Studies Course (Distance Education) RLST 3126 E – The Prophets of Israel A study of the nature of prophecy in the Ancient Near East, its development in Israel, and its possible relevance for today. Particular attention will be paid to the techniques for the scholarly exegesis of the text. (lec 3) cr …
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