Yoga in a Contemplative Setting

October 6, 2015 - October 9, 2015
West Park NY

Yoga in a Contemplative Setting

Tuesday, October 6 – Friday, October 9
Led by Heather Goodchild


Limited to 12 participants.

This retreat is an opportunity to learn and practice yoga in a contemplative, prayerful setting. Interweaving our yoga sessions with the daily services of the monastic community, we will enjoy classes to Gregorian chant and other early music. Additional time will be devoted to meditation, integrating traditional yogic breathing and themes from centering prayer. Our days will close with a restorative segment. Weather permitting, we’ll venture out for a walk along nearby trails.

This retreat is open to all levels, including those with little yoga experience, as well as active seniors. Modifications to poses will be provided for participants’ specific needs, and individual guidance will be available to further your yoga practice. Participants will take away a well-balanced yoga sequence to build their practice and maintain well-being.

Participants will need to bring a yoga mat, two yoga blocks, and a yoga strap. A blanket is strongly recommended for meditation and restorative segments.

Heather Goodchild teaches yoga at Grace Church, Brooklyn, New York, and is trained in the Ashtanga, Iyengar, and Vinyasa traditions. Her teaching experience spans all levels, with an emphasis on adapting yoga to individual needs. She has completed advanced teacher training in adaptive yoga, yoga for arthritis, and yoga for osteoporosis. She is also a violist in the Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra, and an avid hiker.

Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spirituality