This is a lively, in-depth writing retreat, based on the acclaimed Amherst Writers & Artists (AWA) method developed by Pat Schneider, described in her book, “Writing Alone and With Others” (Oxford University Press), and offered by more than 1,000 workshop and retreat leaders internationally.
Together as participants in Write for Your Life! we will foster a community of support, enabling you to write freely and go deep. Unique to this workshop is that we will write in community in a setting that supports creative risks. We will write in response to suggested prompts, and you will receive feedback on what is strong and memorable in your first-draft writing.
We will also make time for manuscript review, with balanced feedback, if requested. The instructor will write along with the group, and the teaching of craft is taken seriously.
The effect of an AWA retreat on a writer may be immediate or can be subtle and long-term. Beginning writers or those beginning again will find the encouragement and safety they need to let authentic voices emerge. Writers who understand their artistic process will find an opportunity to achieve a different tone or experiment with a new aspect of craft in a supportive environment. The leader is a witness to the developing skill and confidence in each writer. We will work together each day (with breaks) and have ample time for rest and relaxation amidst Ghost Ranch’s stupendous beauty.