We sing to blow upon the embers of a vast and emerging creation within and around us, stirring the powers of imagination and courage, essential to recreating ourselves as a new and wiser humanity in the interdependence of planet and cosmic community. As we gather in the promise of circle, opening ourselves into singing, simple ritual, reflection, sound and silence ~ we move into a more intimate knowing of the love that moves within all ~ love daring us to deepen.
This is an invitation for women to come together and create a holy space. We gather for inspiration, sustenance, and celebration. In gratitude we sing, deepening our experience of living as planetary and cosmic beings in the long story of the universe in creation. Within a circle of women we allow song, reflection, and simple ritual to open us to the stirrings within that call us to deeper attentiveness, resonance and awe, a widening embrace.
Program Cost: $500 ($273.50 tuition + $226.50 meals/accommodations)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.
Carolyn McDade
Carolyn McDade is a lover of language and sound ~ a songwriter committed to the power of singing in personal and social transformation. Her songs, weave together personal integrity, social vision, and planetary wholeness. For three decades she has gathered circles of women to sing and reflect on life. Carolyn brings the resources of her long story, her recorded music, the written word, and her intense exploration.
Carol Stevenson Seller
Carol Stevenson Seller, Program Resource Group(PRG) facilitator, sees her life mission as helping people name and claim their giftedness as human beings. She has worked in career and life transition planning, strategic planning and as a trainer of trainers in adult education.