Sep 18 – Sep 20, 2015 Fri 7:00 PM – Sun 4:00 PM $410.00

The WEL-Systems® approach offers a proven pathway to access a context for change that will profoundly alter the way you see your ‘self’, your world and the way you move through that world.
When we dare to allow ourselves to think differently, we develop the capacity to connect to that deep and often times restless inner truth that beckons us to become our full potential, uniquely expressed. It can be as simple and as hard as: Be yourself, tell your truth, stand in the now, and engage the Body-Mind-Spirit. The Body is a quantum biological device – one of the most exquisite sensing instruments on the planet – and as humans we are each born into our Body. Our Body is what we perceive the world through, it allows us to express our Authentic SELF, to create, and to move through this world. As Women, we intuitively know how to create and design Life. We are the ones that carry and birth immense Life. How often do we pause to consider the genius of it all?
This program is intended for Women who are restless in their own lives, seeking the changes the world desperately demands and intuitively knowing it will take a different and more accelerated approach of personal and social transformation than we are engaging in now. For women hungry to create a world of sustainability and life sustaining ways, birthed out of their own desire to live into their full potential.
As the Leaders in our own lives, this invitation is to pause, and reconsider what now is deeply meaningful to you in your life, your community, your world. The invitation includes many opportunities through movement/conversation to re-examine and experience how you think, how to be in the body, and to discover that the safety we seek – is waiting for us deep inside to be reclaimed. It is an invitation for us to consider, ‘How else might I live my life, today’.
Program Cost: $410 (tuition, meals & accommodation)
Local Price: $330 (without overnight)
We strive to make our programs as accessible as possible.
Please contact our Registrar to inquire about a bursary or payment plan.
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.
Nancy Hanlon
Nancy Hanlon is passionate about offering authentic conversations and movement. She is a Certified Brown Belt, Green Belt Nia Instructor, WEL-Systems® Institute Affiliate, Certified CODE Model Coach™, MSW, and Certified in Ballet, Jazz and Modern Dance Forms.
Nancy’s unique background over the last 15 years, in health care, facilitation in adventure therapy and the dance/movement field has offered her a wealth of experiences. She cares deeply about the state of our world, the human species, all life on the planet. Her life, her work is intentional, she chooses to live and be the transformation she seeks, in her life, her community.
Naomi Irons
Naomi Irons is a passionate Mother to two awake children, a co-creator of Life with her partner of 17 years, a WEL-Systems Affiliate®, CODE Model Coach™ and RMT. (The WEL-Systems Institute is a world leader in life-altering and generative change programs, products and experiences for accelerated consciousness and personal evolution.)
Naomi has worked in the alternative health field as a practitioner for 17 years. She knows the key to the shift we are seeking in our lives and our wellbeing lies in our willingness and ability to radically redefine our humanity through our ability to change our perspective on how we see and experience our bodies, our minds and our Spirits. From here, great change is possible with those who know it is time!
Wyanne Sandler
Wyanne Sandler is an adult educator and the Maritimes Coordinator for the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network. She is also a member of the Tatamagouche Centre Program Resource Group.