Upping Your Change Game: Building Skills and Confidence in Nonviolent Direct Action
Mar 22-24, 2019
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610-566-4507, ext. 137
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Are you convinced that to create real change we need to adopt the kind of loving confrontation championed by Gandhi? Do you already know some basics about nonviolent direct action campaigning and want to increase your strategic understanding and ability to problem-solve in real life situations? Come join campaign trainer and Earth Quaker Action Team leader Eileen Flanagan for a chance to step back from the daily e-mails, refresh your spirit, and deepen your skills. Taking Eileen’s introductory online class “Building a Nonviolent Direct Action Campaign” is not required to join this live workshop, but it is encouraged.
Eileen Flanagan served as clerk of Earth Quaker Action Team for five years, helping to shape the strategy that pressured PNC Bank to stop financing mountaintop removal coal mining, as well as the subsequent Power Local Green Jobs campaign, which works at the intersection of racial, economic, and climate justice. Since the 2016 election, Eileen has shared what she has learned about effective and spiritually grounded activism through her online courses, including Building a Nonviolent Direct Action Campaign, the inspiration for this more advanced program. The award-winning author of three books, her fourth focuses on what it means to work at the intersection of issues. Read more at eileenflanagan.com.
Travel directions to Pendle Hill. FAQs about Short-Term Education Programs (please read before calling). Click to view the flyer.