There is a Message for You in Reception

October 1, 2017 - October 4, 2017

2nd October – 4th October 2017

Most people are aware that Milton rewrote the opening chapters of Genesis in Paradise Lost and many have read Ben Elton’s comic dystopian novel This Other Eden but do they know that these works are just the tip of the iceberg? There is a great array of literary reworkings of the Bible just waiting to be explored. This course will set out to provide an introductory map to a field of study which can transform our understanding of what the Bible “means.”

Anthony Swindell is the author of three books on the literary reception of the Bible and over 100 academic articles. After a long period in the Anglican ministry, he received a PhD from the University of Leeds in 2007 and was awarded a Lambeth DD in 2012. He was a Research Fellow at Heythrop College, University of London, during 2012-2013. In 2013 he became the Literature Editor for the multi-volume Encyclopedia of the Bible & its Reception, published by De Gruyter, which is still in progress.

Residential prices start from £215, non-residential from £150. Discount rates for clergy and students apply.

For the full programme, please click here.

For more information or to book, please call 01244 532350 or email [email protected].

Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Courses  |  The Arts