Theology II

September 9, 2024 - December 16, 2024
Class time for this course will take place through pre-recorded lectures and interactions on an online discussion board through the course Moodle page.
Offered by Regent College
$520 per credit hour registered for onsite $540 per credit hour registered for online $385 per audit hour registered for onsite $405 per audit hour registered for online
This course introduces students to the practice of theology through exploring some of the major themes in systematic theology: the doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology), the doctrine of the Church (Ecclesiology), the doctrine of salvation (Soteriology), and the doctrine of the “Last Things” (Eschatology). Theology, as understood in this course, is a disciplined reflection on the God revealed in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, which has as its aim the glorifying of God and being re-fashioned into his likeness. We will especially undertake this practice of theology through attending to the forms and methods of theological discourse undertaken by Christianity’s earliest theologians—those who have received the title “Church Fathers”—while also remaining alert to how theology has been undertaken in more recent times. In offering a broad range of texts and authors, this course aims to accommodate beginners and more advanced students as we seek together to grow in the knowledge and love of God.
Credit Hours:
Audit Hours:

There are no prerequisites for this course

This course is available online-only with Alex Fogleman.

Class time for this course will take place through pre-recorded lectures and interactions on an online discussion board through the course Moodle page.