Theological Perspectives On Emergence Christianity

January 23, 2015 - March 28, 2015
Montreal QC



January 23 – March 28, 2015

* Please note that the course format is a combination of in-person sessions on weekends IN OTTAWA (Friday evenings/Saturdays), and online webinars (by distance) on Wednesday evenings.


Three Weekend Sessions IN OTTAWA(in person) on the following dates:

– January 23th and 24th
– February 20th and 21st
– March 27th and 28th

– and –

Wednesday evenings (by distance/webinar) from 6:30 – 8:30 pm on the following dates:

– January 28;
– February 4, 11 and 25
– March 11 and 18


COURSE DESCRIPTION: This introductory-level theology course will focus on Christianity within a rapidly-changing context. Critical engagement with Phyllis Tickle’s description of “emergence Christianity” will provide a starting point for discussion. We will examine the major changes that are taking place both in our society and in Christianity. What frameworks are being challenged and by whom) and what new ones are emerging? Participants will reflect on implications for the church today as they think about the mission of the church and about leadership, ministry, and discipleship. Participants will learn how to engage in theological conversations as they read, interpret, and respond to their own context.

This new course offering is intended to make theological education accessible to a wider range of students and lay people than the regular programs of the Montreal School of Theology. It is a rich opportunity for those:

  • seeking deeper understanding of Christian faith and spiritual enrichment; and/or
  • wishing to pursue graduate theological education without earning a degree; and/or
  • thinking about ordained ministry, but wishing to discern a call by trying some courses first

INSTRUCTOR : Alyson Huntly, PhD.

*This course is given 3 academic credits at the Masters (M.Div.) level. Credits may later be applied to the programs of any of the partner Colleges of MST, and would normally be considered for transfer to other academic institutions.

Sign up for this UNIQUE educational experience!

For more information: Contact Philip Joudrey, Principal.
Phone: 514-849-2042 ext. 201 or Email: [email protected]

To download an Application Form, click here

UTC Cancellation Policy: UTC takes seriously its responsibility to offer diverse courses and Continuing Education Events of a consistently high quality. Part of the cost of these educational events is our financial commitment to presenters, even in the event that registration numbers are lower than anticipated or if a number of participants should cancel after registering. Recognizing these costs, UTC has the following policy on refunds for participants’ cancellation:

Each registration includes a $ 50 non-refundable registration fee.

Cancellations received less than a week prior to the event will be refunded at 50% of their full registration fees (whether they registered with an early-bird discount or paid the regular amount).