The Ignatian World and Spirituality

February 10, 2014 - February 15, 2014


Monday 10 – Saturday 15 February 2014

Many Christians have found the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius a revelation for their faith journey. Learning about, and practising a little of the process of Ignatian spirituality, will be central to this course, which will also enable an exploration of the Jesuit world through the ages. Participants will visit historical sites such as Ignatius’ rooms next to the Mother Church of the Jesuits, Church of the Gésu, and the present-day Jesuit Curia, Vatican Radio, and the Gregorian University.
This follows a highly successful course in 2009, also led by Fr Gerry Whelan SJ of the Gregorian University.
Cost €520

Categories: Church History  |  Courses  |  Spirituality