The Divine Feminine Emerging, Embodied & Emboldened

August 28, 2015 - August 30, 2015

The Divine Feminine Emerging, Embodied & Emboldened

Workshop ID: G15S851X
Dates: August 28August 30
Price: $325.00$555.00

It is not just women who are marginalized after the long reign of patriarchy on our planet. So much having to do with “the feminine” is also devalued and silenced in the dominant culture of values, language, spirituality, education, politics, leadership and power in which we have been living for many generations. It is the air we have been breathing for so long that we are often unconscious about the ways it has shaped and formed (or deformed) our own personal experiences and expectations. As women bring their leadership in the coming years – and as the Divine Feminine seeks to bring Her gift of healing to the world through those women – it will be important to consciously make room for new ways of doing things, for feminine wisdom brought in feminine ways. This will require nothing less than radically different definitions of what leadership looks like and how success should be measured.

Categories: Leadership  |  Women/Theology  |  Workshops