Sunday, August 7 – Saturday, August 13, 2016
Tell Me a Story: Old Testament Stories as Narrative and Drama
with Patricia Dutcher-Walls
The Old Testament/Hebrew Bible is full of intriguing and engaging stories that reflect the faith journey of God’s people.
This course will help participants learn skills in reading biblical tales to increase enjoyment and understanding of their narrative art and theological insights.
Then, using our narrative study, we’ll perform both dramatic readings and full dramatizations of the stories to engage kinesthetic and audio learning.
The combination of narrative analysis and dramatic readings provides immediate applications for both youth and adult Bible studies in local congregations.
These resources for worship liturgies provide alternative ways to listen to God’s word. Participants are encouraged to raid their home closets and dress-up boxes to bring potential costume and prop elements – scarves, ribbons, robes, a hobby horse?, baskets, old towels, earthenware jars and bowls, canvas bags….and bring your imagination!
PATRICIA DUTCHER-WALLS is Dean and Professor of Hebrew Scripture at Vancouver School of Theology. With a love of teaching, she has led numerous adult education courses, retreats, and continuing education courses.
Patricia’s most recent book is aimed at making the Bible more accessible: Reading the Historical Books: A Student’s Guide to Engaging the Biblical Text. A minister in the Presbyterian Church, she is married to a Lutheran pastor, has two grown children and enjoys gardening, singing, and science fiction.
Course fee: $310
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