Week Two
D10 Old Testament in the New
The purpose of this course is to consider issues that are raised when Christians preach from the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. We will discuss two related issues.
D11 Jonathan Edwards and the Enlightenment: Free Will and Conversion
Jonathan Edwards’ relationship with the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century is traditionally viewed as conflicted, condemning many of its aspects and viewing them as antithetical to Christianity. Yet, he embraced many Enlightenment figures and ideas.
D12 Getting A Word In: Writing About Faith
This workshop focuses on improving skills for writing about belief – writing publishable articles or essays about personal faith or spiritual life in the wider world.
D13 Bread: A Biblical and Theological History
Bread has a unique place in biblical tradition. It is central to the Israelite celebration of Passover and to the Christian Eucharist. It features in narratives involving Cain and Abel, Abraham, Ruth and Naomi, David and many others in Hebrew scriptures.
D15 Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurialism in Church Leadership
In the book of Genesis God’s first act is one of creation; in the book of Revelation God promises to make all things new.
D14 Ministry, Mindfulness, and Well-Being
Ministry is both deeply fulfilling and incredibly exhausting. When we accepted the call to minister to God’s people, we opened ourselves up to the most vulnerable, beautiful and heart-wrenching moments of life.
D16 Reading Poetry Theologically
What is the relationship between theology and the arts, and what does it look like to bring these into conversation with each other? Can reading poetry, for example, be one way of thinking theologically or even of ‘doing theology’?
WK2 Workshop: Funding Future Ministry
Please note, this is a single-session, afternoon workshop.
V2 Vocational Discernment
This will be of particular interest to parish clergy who are approaching a time of professional transition, and seek a time of confidential counsel.