Summer Study at Yale Divinity School (Week 1)

June 5, 2017 - June 9, 2017
New Haven CT

Week One

D01 Biblical Values

June 5-9; 9:00 – 11:30
John Collins

Many people in the modern world claim to espouse biblical values. This course will examine what the Bible has to say about several issues that are controversial in the modern world, including right to life, gender,  social justice and the environment .

D02 The Book of Revelation and the Apocalyptic Imagination

June 5-9; 9:00 – 11:30
Harold Attridge

The course will explore the last book of the New Testament and its extravagant imagery.

D03 Preaching the Resurrection

June 5-9; 9:00 – 11:30
David Bartlett
David Kelsey

The purpose of this course is to study some of the exegetical and theological sources for understanding and preaching resurrection.

D04 Early Christian Spirituality for Today

June 5-9; 9:00 – 11:30
Christopher Beeley

This course will explore the use of early Christian spiritual practices for living in today’s world.

D05 The Theology of Howard Thurman in a Time of Fear, Deception, and Hate

June 5-9; 9:00 – 11:30
Frederick J. Streets

This course will introduce Thurman by reading, reflecting upon and discussing his seminal book: Jesus and the Disinherited.

D06 The Bible through Art and Artifact I

June 5-9; 1:30 – 4:00
Julie Faith Parker

This course combines the riches of the biblical text with some of Yale’s greatest treasures.  Each day will have a different theme that we will explore through academic study and lively conversation about a biblical text.

D07 Johann Sebastian Bach’s Sacred Vocal Music

June 5-9; 1:30 – 4:00
Markus Rathey

Johann Sebastian Bach’s cantata, oratorios, passions, and his B Minor Mass belong to the most fascinating works of Christian music.

D08 Trauma, Moral Injury, and Crisis Ministry

June 5-9; 1:30 – 4:00
Joyce Mercer

This course invites participants into the study of three distinct but overlapping forms of human suffering. Trauma is the experience of threat to one’s being and/or identity that exceeds a person’s resources for coping with the threat.

D09 Christianity in China

June 5-9; 1:30 – 4:00
Chloë Starr

This course opens up the fascinating but surprisingly obscure story of Chinese Christianity, from the earliest Syriac-Chinese documents of the eighth century through to the sermons and micro-blogs of house-church pastors in the twenty-first century.

WK1 Workshop: Communicating Strategically for Churches and other Organizations

Tuesday, June 6; 4:30 – 6:00
Tom Krattenmaker

Please note, this is a single-session, afternoon workshop.

V1 Vocational Discernment

Bill Goettler

This will be of particular interest to parish clergy who are approaching a time of professional transition, and seek a time of confidential counsel.

Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Communications  |  Courses