Fareena Alam and Abdul-Rehman Malik
We live in a time where trust has hit an all-time low. We don’t trust our political leaders. We don’t trust the news. We can hardly trust the results of our elections. Unfortunately, we also are losing trust in our neighbors and our communities. As our politics and our solidarities become more silos, we tell our stories – our hope and fears – only to those in our “inner circle”. Drawing on work in peacebuilding in Indonesia, the UK and beyond, this special workshop will help us begin to tell stories that heal, not stories that harm. By harnessing the power of the Theater of the Oppressed, story circles and learning to tell “Stories of Self, Us and Now” participants will learn and help create practical strategies on how to use storytelling to engage others and imagine a new sense of community, solidarity and spirit.
The workshop will be facilitated by veteran British journalist and communications specialist Fareena Alam and Abdul-Rehman Malik, himself a journalist and cultural organizer whose organized peacebuilding initiatives in Indonesia, Pakistan, Sudan and the UK. There will be ample time for reflection, journaling and dreaming.
Cost $445 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition