Spirit-Led Solutions through Human-Centered Design

November 8, 2023 - December 31, 2024
At your own speed and timing; end date for offering this course is unknown.
Offered by Luther Seminary
St. PaulMN

Each member of your congregation or community is fearfully and wonderfully made, and every challenge you face together is commensurately complex. How can you gain a deep understanding of the needs and stories of these diverse humans around you—and use that understanding to seek spirit-led solutions to the multilayered problems that arise in your community?

Come join us as we dive deep beneath the surface, exploring the art of human-centered design for faithful application in our uniquely challenging ministry environments. Together, we’ll walk through techniques for discerning people’s needs, fostering empathy, igniting creative problem-solving, and embracing an iterative design process. These compelling and expertly guided modules provide practical exercises and real-world examples meticulously tailored to a faith community setting. You’ll be equipped to use human-centered design principles to faithfully build your own implementation plan for creating change or addressing a challenge in your setting!


What You’ll Learn

  • Understand the Individual and the Group: Practice techniques for gathering insights from the diverse and unique people within your congregation.
  • Cultivate Empathy: Develop a discerning and empathetic mindset that deeply hears the needs and challenges of the community.
  • Foster Creative Problem-Solving: Learn to approach challenges from various angles and develop solutions that blend tradition and innovation.
  • Navigate Faith-Based Challenges: Combine discernment and critical thinking to tackle the obstacles faced in faith and ministry environments.
  • Implement Iterative Design: Embrace continuous improvement by gathering feedback, refining your ideas, and creating impactful changes.
  • Enhance Community Impact: Design complex, people-centered initiatives that address real needs and resonate beyond the church walls.